Originally from Saskatchewan, Al moved to Winnipeg over 35 years ago, and has been on staff at NSC since 1996. He’s had the joy of being married to Monica for over 30 years, during which time they’ve seen the family grow from 3 children, to now include a son in law, daughter in law and two grandchildren.
Al has a variety of interests or hobbies including: reading alongside a good cup of coffee; actively keeping healthy by playing tennis, golf, running, and also enjoys following the Riders and Leafs trusting that someday a championship will come; or enjoying a concert or live theatre.
At NSC, in leading the body, Al enjoys preaching and sharing the truth of God’s Word and it’s impact in our lives corporately and individually; sharing the gospel with those looking for truth as they seek to figure life out; along with having people come to grasp how rich the gospel is, being stunned by the wonder of what Christ has done for us, bringing us to an ever deeper joy. He also enjoys ministering together with the elders, seeking to watch over the flock as under shepherds, along with recently having the joy of mentoring some young guys preparing for future ministry.
His deep desire for NSC, is that we be a people who grasp the wonder of the gospel, that delight in and richly enjoy God, and who long to worship God and enjoy Him forever!

Andy originally hails from Bristol, England & came to faith while traveling on a working holiday in Adelaide Australia at age 23. Andy is happily married to Ingrid & together they have had the joy of raising 4 children. Andy & Ingrid were in membership & ministered with a number of churches in UK. Andy served as a pastor of 2 of these churches in London. The 6 Porters moved to Winnipeg in the fall of 2003 & have had the privilege of being a part of the NSC family since 2005. Andy began working with NSC in 2015 in full time capacity. Andy still prefers football with a round ball but is also happy to be known as both a Bomber fan & Jets fan. Andy enjoys spending time with his family, canoeing, camping, hiking, fishing & walking the dog.
Andy continues to be in awe and wonder that the Almighty God of all creation, who alone is perfectly holy and good, has chosen him to be one of His children. Andy loves to proclaim the truth of God's Word to others. He is especially excited about declaring & explaining the truth of the great news of God's grace in Christ to those who have not heard or understood it before. Andy works in a variety of roles at NSC, including evangelism & discipleship groups, our second stage men's recovery house, our food bank ministry, preaching and small group ministry.

Joey started working at NSC in 2016 as the Admin Assistant. When a fairly important event called the Covid Pandemic happened, Joey helped NSC run its social media, livestream and video content so the church can stay connected. He also ministers to the hobbits of NSC (aka Elementary and Middle School kids) and is the director of the church Day Camp.
Joey married his bestfriend Morgan back in 2019. They have a lovable, adorable, energetic boy; Lewis. Morgan has been the source of many ideas for Day Camp of which he is very grateful for!
Joey loves basketball, but it doesn't always love him back because his team seems to keep losing important games. Joey is also a giant nerd that loves fantasy, history, board games and video games... oh he also thinks corgis are the cutest dogs in the world.

Cody is the Sr Youth and Young Adults Pastor for NSC and has been on staff since July 2019. Cody's favourite aspects of ministry include connecting with young people in coffee shops, board games, and sports. He takes great joy in seeing young people grow in maturity of faith, seeing the truth of Scripture applied to all aspects of life and following the Lordship of Jesus Christ. His favourite books of the Bible include Psalms, Eccesiastes, Hebrews and Revelation.
Cody is married to Tessa, his wife since August 2017. Tessa is his greatest ministry partner and immensely more talented than he is in almost every way. Cody graduated from the University of Manitoba in May 2015 with a bachelors degree in Environmental Studies. In May 2023 he embarks on a Master of Divinity degree from Northwest Baptist Seminary.
Cody's other hobbies include keeping houseplants alive, reading books from people long since dead, playing individual sports like climbing and discgolf, and tinkering around his yard.

Camila has been working as the administrative assistant at NSC since January 2024. She arrived to Winnipeg on July 2023 from Colombia.
Despite that her Bachelor's is in Social Communication and Journalism, she decided to come to Canada, to study the Master of Arts in Peacebuilding and Collaborative Development at CMU. Her professional dream is to combine these two careers, she whishes to build peace through different models, including media.
She loves spend time with her two nephews, with her family and friends, she likes to read and watch movies. If you ask her about Colombia, she'll be more than happy to tell all the good stuff about her country.
